Marketing Ops Journal

Subscriber-Only Subscriber Question

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Whether you have specific questions about optimizing your marketing operation—or just want to know which questions you should be asking—the library of questions in the Marketing Ops Journal makes it easy to find the answers and resources you need.

Here are just a few that subscribers get access to:

  • When conducting research interviews, how many should we try to conduct?
  • Why shouldn't we just focus our attention on our largest customers?
  • What's the problem with using BANT for prospect qualification?
  • What's the difference between sales enablement and sales effectiveness?
  • What are the different buyer types we might be negotiating with?
  • How does cycle time affect overall results? Aren’t the dollars the same no matter when you get them?
  • When positioning ourselves vs. the competition, won’t prospects see us as negative and get turned off?
  • What if our competitors are outperforming us on every value-driver that really matters?
  • Who should be responsible for cultivating leads?
  • How do we know when to segment our data for analysis?

This question is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a Marketing Ops Journal subscriber.

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More Subscriber-Only Resources From Our Library

  • How Marketing Automation Is Changing Sales

    In this interview with Debbie Qaqish, we explore why marketing automation is becoming so popular and what the long-term implications are.

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  • Diagnosing Sales Problems

    Failing to identify the true root causes of sales performance problems often leads to a frustrating game of Whack-A-Mole. In this on-demand training webinar, learn how to identify and correct the real root causes behind sales performance issues.

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  • Combating Competitive Pricing Pressure

    Pricing pressure is just a fact of life. But how well you handle that pressure can determine whether your business ultimately succeeds or fails. This guide exposes 15 ways to address (and prepare for) competitive pricing pressure.

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  • Pricing Services to Align with Customer Value

    When you’re selling services or project work, it can be challenging to get customers to focus on the value being delivered or exchanged. In this recorded training seminar, learn how to improve revenue and margins when your offering is largely intangible.

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