You’re Going To Face Marketing Challenges You’ve Never Seen Before
We don’t have to be psychic to know that you’re regularly going to run into challenges and issues in your marketing operation that you’ve probably never seen before. It’s inevitable. It’s predictable. It’s just a fact of life in today’s business environment.
Wouldn’t It Be Helpful To Ask For Expert Insight?
- You’d have a “sounding board” for ideas.
That would certainly help ensure you’re not operating in an echo chamber. And an outside perspective could help you explore challenges from different angles and vet potential solutions. - You’d be able to learn what other companies have done.
It’s unlikely that you’re the only company that has faced those challenges. Knowing what others have done under similar circumstances could help ensure you avoid some of the big mistakes.
But How Do You Actually Make That Happen?
It’s a wonderful idea in theory, with limited…and lame…options for actually making it a reality.
- Do you go out and find a consulting firm to put on retainer for thousands a month?
- Do you try and hire someone who’s faced this very same issue before so they can fix it again?
- Do you post your company’s challenges to a LinkedIn forum for the whole world to comment on?
- Do you call your competitors directly and see if they might be willing to share some tips?
It Dawned On Us…
Our in-house researchers and analysts wade neck-deep in the topic of running an effective marketing operation as a matter of course. Our team is regularly gathering and curating best practices. Our team talks to real-world practitioners, consultants and vendors every single day. And when Journal subscribers ask for our perspectives and insights on their specific issues, our team happily provides that information.
In essence, for those subscribers who had the gumption to send in their questions, we were already providing an advisory service! So why not just formalize what we were already doing? Why not just make it a whole lot easier for any of our subscribers to access our researchers and analysts? And, why not just continue to include the advisory service as part of our “all in” subscription?
Why Not Just Let Subscribers Ask Us Their Questions?
As Marketing Ops Journal subscribers, you and your team can use the Help Desk service to tap into our team of analysts and researchers. By just filling out a simple and secure form on the subscriber portal, you can get our team’s unbiased advice and unvarnished perspectives on your specific issues and challenges. And of course, all questions are handled privately and confidentially.
Some Of The Many Subscriber Questions Our Team Has Answered
- “What are the critical marketing metrics that you hear others in my industry tracking?”
- “Our competitors are now offering a lower price. What’s the strategic way to respond?”
- “Our whitepapers aren’t generating very many good leads. Any suggestions?”
- “What should we be doing with the leads that sales people disqualify?”
- “By tightening-up our targeting criteria, aren’t we shrinking our potential lead pool?”
- “How can we specifically identify optimizations to make in the stages of our marketing funnel?”
- “What is acquisition ROI and how is it different from cost per lead?”
- “Any tips for getting others in our company on-board with conducting more rigorous competitive analysis?”
- “Our sales team is disqualifying valid leads. Any suggestions on what can we do about it?
- “My company seems to love fluffy platitudes. How do I get others to focus on real marketing messages?”
- “What are some effective ways to differentiate from our competitors without crossing the line?”
- “What’s the difference between sales enablement and sales effectiveness?”
- “What are some effective methods for knowing whether our leads are sales-ready?”
Now, it may take us a few days to respond to each inquiry. And of course, we encourage our subscribers to search the hundreds of resources on the portal first to see if their questions have already been answered elsewhere.
But by allowing our team some time to respond (i.e. time-shifting) via email, we’re able to offer the Help Desk service as just another benefit of a Journal subscription. No additional fees. No “per inquiry” charges. No consulting retainers.
Think about that for a second…
To be able to pick a marketing consultant’s brain for just one hour each month, you’d have to spend between $3000 and $6600 per year. But with a Marketing Ops Journal subscription, you get unlimited access to our Help Desk service for the annual price of just $499 for the first user and $125 for each additional user!
For many subscribers, access to the Help Desk service is almost priceless. But don’t forget that subscribers also get access to everything else the SellingBrew Playbook has to offer—like expert interviews, our full library of step-by-step tutorials, express guides, worksheets and tools, as well as our popular webinar series feature.
Subscribers Get Access to These Other Features Too…
On-Demand Library
A Searchable Library of Hundreds of Concise Guides, Tutorials, Cases, Assessments, and Research Reports
Subscribers get access to a whole library of Marketing Ops best practices, tutorials, express guides, case studies, research reports, assessments, tools, and diagnostics---all curated by our team and distilled to the essentials and just a click away.
Expert Interviews
Learn from Other Practitioners Who've "Been There and Done That" Through Our Expert Interview Series
Subscribers can hear hours of in-depth interviews we've conducted (with new ones each month). Hear war stories from others in the marketing ops trenches. Learn about emerging best practices, the latest trends, as well as what’s worked well (and what's failed miserably).
Training Webinars
Dozens of "No Pitch" Training Webinars and Workshops Covering Crucial Marketing Ops Topics
Subscribers get access to our entire online archive of recorded training webinars--each one is a full 60+ minutes of 100% educational content. Plus, every few weeks we hold a new subscriber-only webinar that your team members can attend and participate in live.
The Journal Covers The Spectrum Of Marketing Ops Topics
- Marketing Analysis & Measurement
- Campaign Optimization
- Lead Generation & Cultivation
- Differentiating From Competitors
- Marketing Strategy & Positioning
- Improving Forecasts & Profitability
- Pricing Strategies & Tactics
- Sales Enablement & Effectiveness
- Marketing Technology & Tools
- Message & Content Development
- Adoption & Change Management
- Team Structure & Career Development
Subscribe & Get Immediate AccessTeams big or small, we have a subscription plan that fits

Frequently asked questions
Is everything really included with the subscription?
Yes. Everything is included with your subscription—the training webinars, the expert interviews, the tutorials, guides, and tools, as well as our unique Marketing Ops Help Desk service. And, of course, you'll get access to all of the new resources that are being added on a regular basis.
Do you offer a month-to-month subscription?
Can I share my log in and account with others?
Can we add more users later?
What happens after I subscribe?
Can I purchase a subscription for someone else on my team?
If you're just handling the purchase but won't be accessing the subscription itself, just complete the subscription order and send us an email at to let us know. We'll setup your account to only manage billing and send you a link so that the other user (or users) can create their login for access.