Marketing Ops Journal

Subscriber-Only Subscriber Question

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Whether you have specific questions about optimizing your marketing operation—or just want to know which questions you should be asking—the library of questions in the Marketing Ops Journal makes it easy to find the answers and resources you need.

Here are just a few that subscribers get access to:

  • What if our whole analytics initiative is built around giving end-users the ability to slice-and-dice data for themselves?
  • For targeting purposes, what if we can’t find any attributes that are common across our most profitable customers?
  • Should it concern us that customers haven't ever considered the value-drivers we've identified?
  • What if our top-selling salesperson is the worst at hitting target prices and margins?
  • What can I do if I can’t really tell whether the customer is serious about needing the absolute lowest price?
  • Once I understand the untapped potential in each account, what can I do with the information?
  • What's the problem with using BANT for prospect qualification?
  • What's the difference between lead generation and cultivation?
  • Why are the early signs of customer defection so difficult to spot?
  • If we have people with lots of experience in the industry, do we really need to conduct marketing research?

This question is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a Marketing Ops Journal subscriber.

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More Subscriber-Only Resources From Our Library

  • How to Develop Real Competitive "Kill Sheets"

    Competitive kill sheets are a great tool to help salespeople in the field. But most so-called kill sheets are nothing more than glorified competitive profiles. In this concise tutorial, learn how to develop real, strategic competitive kill sheets that highlight and reinforce the competitive differences that actually matter to prospects.

    View This Tutorial
  • Creating Content That Actually Works

    While every marketing pundit and publication is fueling the hype around content marketing, the hypesters are omitting some important facts and glossing-over some crucial processes. In this on-demand training webinar, you’ll learn about ten proven strategies for creating more effective sales and marketing content.

    View This Webinar
  • Delivering Answers to the Point of Sale

    Our latest research has shown that more data and tools for the field won't improve results. This tutorial reveals a more effective approach for getting salespeople to use data and analytics to make better decisions.

    View This Tutorial
  • Finding Margin Leaks in Your Sales Processes

    It’s important to realize that every sale is the result of a process. This diagnostic examines how to improve sales results by identifying root causes and areas for improvement in your sales processes.

    View This Diagnostic