Marketing Ops Journal

Subscriber-Only Training Webinar

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Attracting and Capturing Better Leads

Strategies and Tactics for Maximizing the Quantity, Quality, and Value of Sales Leads

Clearly, lead generation is a top priority for most B2B marketing teams. After all, qualified sales leads are the fuel for the financial engine of the company. But lead generation can also be a significant source of frustration when it becomes the scapegoat of choice for poor sales performance. In this subscriber-only training webinar, you will learn about:

  • The dynamics of B2B environments that present unique challenges for effective lead gen.
  • How different metrics can help drive better internal perspectives on quality versus quantity.
  • Methods for analyzing and diagnosing your lead flow to guide your improvement efforts.
  • A number of straightforward optimizations and "tweaks" that can make a big difference.

This webinar is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a Marketing Ops Journal subscriber.

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