Identifying Value Along Five Dimensions
Discover a Variety of Value-Drivers That Can Maximize the Perceived Value and Differentiation of Your Offerings
By being proactive about identifying, prioritizing, and communicating your multidimensional value, you’re not just “hoping” your prospect will pick-up on all of the other compelling reasons to buy from you. Instead, you’re helping them by presenting a very well-rounded set of criteria upon which they can base a decision. In this guide, you will learn about:
- The five major dimensions of value that customers and prospects measure your products and services by.
- How looking at those five dimensions can help you expose dozens of different value drivers for your offerings.
- Over 50 value-driver ideas in a PDF chart that makes a great quick reference and brainstorming aid.
- The 4 key things you should expect and watch out for when starting to identify potential value-drivers.
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