Marketing Ops Journal

Subscriber-Only Training Webinar

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How to Be a More Strategic B2B Marketer

Getting Beyond the Tactics to Become a More Effective Marketing Leader...and Generate Bigger Results

Unfortunately, B2B marketers often find themselves mired in day-to-day tactical activities. But while tactics are certainly important, they cannot generate significant results without a sound strategic foundation. So, how do marketers make the transition? How do they get beyond just "doing stuff" to make sure they're actually doing the right stuff? In this subscriber-only training webinar, you will learn about:

  • Why B2B companies desperately need their marketers to become much more strategic.
  • The fallacies and traps around marketing tactics that can lead B2B marketing teams astray.
  • The key questions strategic marketers try to answer before even thinking about tactics.
  • The fundamental processes that can help you develop a powerful strategic foundation.

This webinar is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a Marketing Ops Journal subscriber.

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